Cecilie Barstad

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Our end of term Hot House talk with C E C I L I E. In this hour presentation Cecilie introduced us to all the important basics of creating our own successful business. We must work out our budget, always create our own goals, write down our ideas and think logically about weather our ideas might or might not work and all the relevant areas we should remember to focus on. Below in italics are Cecilie’s pointers, in normal font are my understandings of each pointer.

 M O N E Y  I N,  M O N E Y  O U T – record how much you spend on materials, equipment etc and always make a clear recording of how much you are charging your clients. Set up a fair price for your work.

Y O U R  N A M E  A N D  W H A T  I T  S A Y S  A B O U T  Y O U – Your brand name is an essential part of creating your own successful business. Your visual identity, something personal to you.

L O G O – Connecting you and your work together. How people recognise your work and business which always leaves an impression. Stating exactly how you are different.

Y O U R  B A C K G R O U N D – Your background, your history is a part of who you are. express this in your works, your branding and overall. Always include your education path, where you came from and how you got to where you are today. Your grades, qualifications and work experiences.

C V – Your Cv is your ticket to success.

W H Y  S T A R T  Y O U R  O W N   S T U D I O To help your development, be in your own personal working space. Collaborating with others. Your haven of peace.

E X P L A I N I N G   Y O U R  V I S I O N, E X P L A I N  Y O U R  G O A L –  Express to your audience exactly what you would like to achieve and the goals you have set yourself.

N E E D  S O M E  I N S P I R A T I O N ? – ask those who have a similar interest to you in the creative industry, art etc. Research famous artists. All of this can help you on your journey.

A L W A Y S  A N A L Y S E  Y O U R  C L I E N T S – It’s not always the easiest of things to do as we all live busy lives, meeting up with people when we have commitments can be difficult. But it’s the best way to get to know your clients, talking face to face. However, a phone call or email can also help you to get to know your clients, ask them relevant questions.

Y O U R  M A R K E T – How big is your market, whats your marketing strategy?

W H O  I S  Y O U R  A U D I E N C E – Social network is a huge platform for businesses and artists of today. It’s important to know who’s following you, weather they interact with you or not. Weather you follow the same interests etc. Followers with interest in your work can help you to progress as a designer and also bring you new clients.

W H A T  S H O U L D  Y O U  S H A R E – Your new works, always have a copy written print or your logo on top of your images. Some people will steal your work, be careful. Share your events, whats happening, where and when.

I T ‘ S  N O T   A L W A Y S  A B O U T  Y O U – Once you become successful or know your good at something it can create something called ego. don’t talk about you all the time. Get to know those who are interested in you and your work, ask questions as well as answering them.

H O W  D O  Y O U  G E T  P A I D – There are many options, online, PayPal, cash in hand, take a deposit first etc.

Share your inspirations, analyse your competition, look to both your strengths and weaknesses, what you are best at, think about operation and logisitics, how long it takes to send your work to your clients and having a plan B, a back up plan for everything”  – Cecilie Barstad

C O L L A B O R A T I O N  I S  T H E  N E W  B L A C K

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